Food Services
- Coffee Shops
- Bakery, Sandwich Deli
- Restaurants and Cuisines
- Catering
- Grocery Stores
Financial Security Services
- Insurance, life, home, business, auto, travel (Bảo hiểm nhân thọ, xe hơi, du lịch)
- Loan (Vay tiền, Địa ốc)
- Banking (Ngân hàng)
- Investment (Đầu tư RESP, RRSP, GIC, Commodity)
- Tax and Accounting (Khai thuế, kế toán)
- Money transfer (Chuyển tiền)
- Commodity services (Tiệm vàng)
Health services
- Doctor
- Dentist
- Care giver
- Phamacist
- Traditional chinese medicine (herbal and tea)
- Chiropractor
- Optical
Home Renovation, Maintenance and Developments
- Painters (Sơn Sửa nhà)
- Construction (Xây cất)
- Moving (Chuyển nhà)
- Dumping and janitorial services (Dọn dẹp rác)
- Plumping (Ống nước)
- Gardening (Làm vườn)
- Electricians (Thợ điện)
- Mattress (Giặt Thảm )
- Cooling, Heating systems (Thợ máy lạnh, máy nóng)
- Iron Smiths, iron works (Hàn sắt nhôm)
- Laundry and Tailors (May sửa, giặt quần áo)
- Carpenters (Thợ mộc, Bàn ghế, cửa)
- Handyman (Sửa đồ gia dụng)
Real Estate (Mua bán nhà đất)
- Realtors
- Mortgage Borkers